
@KensingtonFurniture @KENSINGTONdesignstore

Full Time Marketing & Sales Operations Specialist (June 2023 – current)

My time at Kensington Furniture helped me discover my passion for business intelligence.

I began as a content creator, ensuring consistent branding across social media accounts. Over time, I took on additional responsibilities such as newsletter creation, managing Facebook ads, and in-store visuals. Eventually, I proposed a significant project to my supervisor, Michael Grossman, with the aim of enhancing customer segmentation and nurturing new and returning customers. For this, we needed to standardize our customer database, tech stack, and sales pipelines.

Kensington Furniture, a 112-year-old South Jersey local business, is relatively unknown to the up-and-coming generation. In the coming years, my goal is to propel Kensington to success by improving processes for sales teams, standardizing customer data, streamlining data entry, and enhancing the overall customer experience, ensuring it is more immersive and personalized, whether in person or online. This will bring Kensington Furniture into the new age while amplifying its rich legacy.


Storytelling & Multimedia Intern (Jan 2022 – April 2022)

During my senior year, I was privileged to serve as a Storytelling & Multimedia intern for TechGirls, through an internship facilitated by The Washington Center.
TechGirls is an international summer exchange program designed to encourage young women to pursue careers in various fields, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

I worked remotely throughout the Spring semester of my junior year. In this dynamic role, I contributed to the team by reviewing application submissions for the upcoming exchange year, creating and sharing social media graphics, monitoring facebook groups, participating in virtual international seminars, and more. This internship provided a perfect blend of my passions, allowing me to contribute to female empowerment, international education, and the intersection of technology.


Staff Writer and Social Media Manager (April 2019 – May 2022)

When I arrived at the University, I had a rough start. In the beginning of my sophomore year, I threw myself out there and started exploring various creative outlets, one of them being the Stockton Argo. In the upper level of the main building, a group of creatives from all backgrounds gathered weekly to assess upcoming stories, bounce ideas, hold workshops, and more. I remained persistent with the Argo, continuing to write until my senior year, eventually becoming the Social Media Manager. I enjoyed creating visuals through Canva, meeting new writers, reading the work of others, and feeling a part of a community. Even if I didn’t do it perfectly, it gave me a space to do what I really loved.


Multimedia Production intern (September 2020 – December 2020)

The Stories of Atlantic City marked the beginning of my multimedia journey!

Besides just capturing social media content, I collaborated with my peers on diverse projects, such as conducting interviews and publishing articles that covered the resilience of local businesses during the challenging 46% unemployment rate caused by COVID-19. Additionally, my team and I also interview various community leaders in Atlantic County to gather valuable information to compile a list of assistance programs for displaced families.

This immersive internship not only refined my storytelling and community engagement skills but also helped me step out of my comfort zone, gaining valuable interviewing skills and reporting techniques.

Your kindness is a gift to everyone around you. 🖤